Gyakornoki mindennapok

Gyakornoki mindennapok

Pilot 102: The day you are on the road again

2015. május 31. - Krisztina Panyi

Not so long ago, I was leaving for England, form my Erasmus in Nottingham. For the first time in my life I was forced to survive on my own (as helper_1 and helper_2, a.k.a. Mom and Dad were around 2000 miles away). But that's a story for another day (and also, you can catch up with it right here)

Today, I am packing my suitcases again (however this time I do not have to measure them). 30 kilograms of stuff is sitting around my bedroom (get that Ryanair, no extra charges this time), all packed and ready to go. I hopped into the car, and after a peasant 1,5 hour trip, ended up in my new, slightly provincial but rather lovely city.


And that's my view from the balcony... how awesome it is

To pick up the pieces right where I left off, I am starting my internship far from home (again), in a totally new environment (again), with zero knowledge of what is ahead of me (again), but feeling excited, thrilled and ready for action (just as usual)


As a warm-up exercise for my stiff and sore fingers I summed up top 3 things you experience during you move out... for the second time

(which is indeed in connection with the topic of my new blog, which will be my internship at the Mercedes Hungary)

As we all know there is always a first... in kissing, in sex, in drinking alcohol, and of course in moving out as well. But what happens after all the wonders fade away, but you still have to go on?


1. You re-evaluate the meaning of 'essential' when it comes to packing your stuff. Is it life-threatening if you do not have it with you? If not... well, it stays. 

2. Computer & cell phone chargers, a book to read and food will have priority. It is lovely to have all the 432 sundresses with you, but from past experience I know for a fact that they do not comfort you so effectively when you wake up in the morning without anything to eat and a dead mobile phone.

3. An extra jumper is better than no comfy clothes for your days off. I remember packing all the pretty clothes the first time, and the agony when I found out later that I don't have anything slightly comfortable for my stay-at-home nights. Never again.


Frankly this is the most important lesson of all: who cares if you leave something behind? You don't. You have already passed that stage the first time. Everywhereyou go there are stores near you, so no worries at all.2.jpg


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