Gyakornoki mindennapok

Gyakornoki mindennapok

5 vibes you experience during the first week of work

2015. június 22. - Krisztina Panyi

There is always a first week at work, and there are always a bunch of new and exciting tasks awaiting for you. And then there is of course the human part of the process with a lot of doubt and confusing sutuations that brings out the inside weirdo in all of us.

Today let me gether up 5 lovely little phenomenons one can epect in a new working environment...



1. You will meet a lot of people at welcome day... and you will think that all fo you will get along fine. Just to find out that from the next day on you will hardly see each other, as you will be working in completely different departments.


2. The amount of your daily consumed coffee (or cigarettes) will increase drastically, as the best way to get into a friendly conversation is with hot beverage (as we all learned this lesson from Sheldon Cooper), and also you will have the need totalk to someone, as everything is just so new.


3. You will be introduced to a lot of new people. And you will be gratefull if you can memorise at least 10% of the names. It is a blessing if you have a good way of remembering names, but for me it is just an endless circle of asking for help, writing cheat sheets and searching in the company who is who for answers.


4. On your first one or two days you will get lost, you will end up in strange places, you will try to "push" all the doors that needed to be "pulled" in order to open and you will wander around looking for the restroom for an ureasonably long time... but rumours say it will get better by the end of the month.


5. Do you remember the time you can't find a paperclip or a pen that actually writes at home? Thank the Office Supply God, there is always paper and pens around you if you need to write something. I don't know about you, but messy as I am with my home stationery, it is a relief that when I am at work, I don't have to look for paper and a pen that actually works for hours.

So all in all, you can urvive the week, just remember this:


Thanks for keeping up with me, you can find my previous articles right here. Take care!

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